Monday, September 21, 2015

The Itsy Bitsy Miracles... and Mishaps!

Hi Ya'll!

This past week just FLEW by! Holy Cow!  We had a chance to visit Berta this past Monday after returning to work after P-day, and she definitely grasped the Plan of Salvation. Well, but about halfway through our lesson she cut us off and said she only has about 15 minutes with us every time we visit. Typically, we keep our appointments with investigators around 45 minutes to answer questions, to teach, and let the Spirit work on them. This really tested our simplicity, as we only made it through the first half of the Plan of Salvation lesson. She said she would continue to read the rest, and asked us to come back in a week. We had a goal to visit her more than once a week, if we want to help her progress, so we worked out our next appointment, today after P-day, and we hope to establish our purpose as missionaries again, and about how we'd like to visit more than once a week.. It should go well!

Tuesday, We visited the Torres Family, a less active family in our area, and they got invited by family to go to Salt Lake City for General Conference!  Sister Torres's work conflicts, as she is expected to work every Saturday, and a very long shift.  So unfortunately, she won't be able to go. She gladly accepted our invitation to join us at the church when General Conference is broadcasted to our other church building in Zillah, about 15 minutes away!  We also had a good lesson with Rose Marie, and talked more about baptism, because she's on date to be baptized for October 24th. Ever since last Tuesday, we haven't been able to get back in touch with her, which is sad, but we will be meeting with her sometime this week!

Wednesday was our Miracle Day!  We started off our day with a sweet District meeting, and our Zone Leaders even joined us!  Later that day we knocked in Toppenish, and then finished our day off with knocking in Granger. We were able to meet some wonderful people. We started off in Granger without an idea of where to start knocking, but we felt inclined to knock a certain street with Hispanic houses and American houses, (Spanish missionary habit, always searching for Hispanic looking streets and homes) and started off with not many people answering the door, until we knocked on another door, who seemed not to be home. We started turning around when a lady next door asked us "Can I Help you!?"  We first expected an outspoken American lady.  We kindly started talking to her after she told us she lived in that house, but was visiting next door. She started sharing some experiences she and her four kids have had to suffer through this past few years. She's divorced, and being forced to evacuate her house after not being able to pay the bills. She broke her collarbone at work and has been unable to work for the past month, sending aside the money she needed to support her kids, because her ex-husband isn't helping to pay for the kids' funds. We started talking about our purpose and work as missionaries, and she started to talk about how the missionaries in the past had stopped by only once, and never came back to her house. We felt sympathy as she started crying to us about how difficult things have been for her lately, and so we started talking about how Heavenly Father loves us and has created each of us for our purpose to return with him again. We started talking about how Sister Taua and I have experienced trials where we didn't feel like He was listening. She continued to cry, but to hide it from her children in the yard behind her. We promised her as she would make the move to Oregon to live with friends that she would find missionaries there who would gladly love to come over and teach her and her children. We gave her our card and invited her to request the missionaries on when she got settled in, and she said she gladly would!

Still loving our members animals!
Then Wednesday night we loaned the car to the Elders, (No, still no car for them, so we continue to loan it to them two or three times during the week) and started exchanges with our Sister Training Leaders. All day Thursday, Hermana Johnson was sick with a head cold/allergies. We still don't know why she's been sick for a long time, it's probably just allergies. We started off by working in Granger again.  We started talking to some people as soon as we got out of the car, but as I was closing up the car, I couldn't find the keys... I looked in my bag, in my skirt pockets, guess where the keys were....... I'm a klutz!  Yes, I locked the keys inside the car. Pretty embarrassing, but funny at the same time.  We just continued to talk to Anna Maria who was very intrigued by our message of eternal families. We got a return appointment and then evaluated what to do about our keys. We managed to find a member who was in Yakima who offered to pick up our spare key at the mission office (in Yakima, 30 minutes away) and bring it to us.  In the meantime without the car, we walked to our appointment with Alberto, who we are still having a hard time understanding. He's distracted very easily and doesn't seem to all be there in his head. He said he used to have extreme drinking problems but is trying to stop, we figured he may be a bit delayed mentally. Unfortunately he wasn't there for his appointment, but we were able to meet our recent convert's son, who just got home from Rehab, and lives next door. Ernesto has been in rough spots since the missionaries tried teaching him. He was in and out of Juvenile, and just got home from Rehab in Seattle, and in the meantime, his family was all baptized.  He really likes the elders.... but unfortunately, we are not the elders... He was pretty reluctant when we first met him, but we made plans to visit him and his family this week!  We also Taught Noheli that same night, who is about to have her fourth child!  We will need to wait a few weeks until she is stable with time and the new baby to come back and teach, but she and her husband love the bible, have beautiful children and lots of potential!  We met a few less actives that same night and exchanged back to our real companions! 

Our next Miracle was on Saturday!  We met Bundy (short for Abundancia)  while knocking some doors, and started talking with her about how much Heavenly Father loves us.  She started to really let loose on her word and talked A LOT, but it just goes to show how lonely she's truly been after explaining to us how she hasn't been getting along with her husband lately.  She's received some blessings from the missionaries, and knows our daily dose teachers very well!  We have a return appointment with her for Tuesday and are taking our Daily Dose teachers with us. 

On Sunday we had the Primary Program combined with the Ward and the Branch, so we started earlier than usual, and unfortunately Rose Marie didn't come, but said she would commit to coming.  We had dinner with the Ibarra's, and visited with some members to have dessert, and then returned to finding former investigators. 
We turned in some lost cards and Food Stamp cards to the Police Office. Mind you, neither Hermana Taua or I have been inside a Cop's Office, so it was awkward but funny all at the same time, meeting the officers and explaining how we found these Insurance, Food Stamp Cards and Health cards on the side of the road, all around a wallet, which was not there when we went back to get it.... The wallet was taken by someone literally in less than 5 minutes.  Pretty sketchy, but we hope the person gets their cards back. 

It's been a great week filled with little perfect miracles.  I know this Gospel is true, and I know it blesses every person in this world. I encourage each of you who aren't currently serving a mission to help the missionaries in your areas and to go about your ward mission plans. 

Love you all! Have a great week!

Granger is known as the Washington Dinosaur land!

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